Its time for the new FM!
Remember when we listened to the radio! In recent years many people no longer “tune-in” to radio. In the era of radio there was AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation) stations. The sound of FM was typically crystal clear compared to the AM stations. AM stations seemed to have a lot of interference and noise (even most of the content was just noise :)). However, AM was a lot cheaper to broadcast compared to FM, so everyone initially jumped on the AM frequencies. Eventually the listening audience realized AM was not the way, so more and more stations moved to FM. FM content also tended to be much more focused on particular themes and interest areas. In a way businesses today are like stations still broadcasting using AM. They know they need to change and do business in a better way. They are ready for a new model – FM!
From a business perspective FM is applying a Flourishing Model (FM) to enterprise design, development, operation and improvement.
I am constantly thinking about and being asked what is flourishing, what is a flourishing enterprise, what is a flourishing city, what is a flourishing leader, and what is a flourishing person? In the past I would always hesitate because I wanted to answer all of these questions in the same way. I needed a model that could be applied to all contexts and at the same time provided value and direction on how to move forward. I needed a model or a framework that I could use to answer the questions and help set people on the right path to flourishing whatever the context.
The Flourish Model (the new FM) is my attempt to provide singularity to the answer of what is a flourishing ‘X’. Where ‘X’ is one of individual, group / team, enterprise, community, town / city, province / state, region, nation, world and the planet.
This and coming posts will attempt to chronicle the delineation, testing, and application of the Flourish Model.
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