New Idea in Progress!
The Flourish Rebel has been researching business / digital transformation or change management approaches, frameworks, standards and methods lately and realized quickly the inadequacy of the current state. Many ideas come from change management standards and frameworks that can be applicable to aspects of transformation management. However, The Flourish Rebel is left with the feeling that business transformation management needs much more in-depth standards, approaches, frameworks, practices and tools to address the greater than 70% failure rates of business and digital transformation initiatives.
Transformation management now also has to support new business models and operating models required to deal with broader drivers brought about by COVID-19, climate change… that affect social, environmental, and economic aspects of our lives at the individual, group/team, enterprise, community, region, country, world/planetary levels.
No one person or organization or region can come up with a definitive approach to transformation management. What is needed is a global collaborative approach to defining and testing an effective transformation management approach, framework, methods, practices, tools and perhaps shared platform.
The Flourish Rebel will be exploring enhanced transformation management area in greater detail and how we can collaboratively create and test a shared transformation management framework.
To support the need for improved transformation management and to address the new world of remote work, the Flourish Rebel is leading the development of the new Remote Transformation Management Office service offering

and eventually the My Enterprise Transformation Management Office (myetmo.com coming soon)
More too come…
Bill Craig, The Flourish Rebel. Find out a little bit more about Bill here
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